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Table 1 Comparisons of Aromatase and RORA protein levels in the frontal cortex of cases (A) and controls (C) as a function of sex

From: Investigation of sex differences in the expression of RORA and its transcriptional targets in the brain as a potential contributor to the sex bias in autism

Case/control comparisons (no. of samples/group)

Combined (12 ASD; 22 controls)

Age-matched case-control females (5 ASD; 5 controls)

Age-matched case-control males (7 ASD; 6 controls)

A/C Ratio of RORA protein




(P val: 2-tailed)




T-val (df) [Effect size - r]

2.07 (32) [0.34]

1.09 (8) [0.36]

0.76 (11) [0.22]

A/C Ratio of Aromatase protein




(P val: 2-tailed)




T-val (df) [Effect size - r]

2.30 (32) [0.38]

1.11 (8) [0.36]

1.34 (11) [0.37]

  1. A: ASD cases; C: Controls.
  2. The table shows the case-control (A/C) ratio of RORA and Aromatase protein levels determined by confocal immunofluorescence analyses of tissue arrays containing specimens from the BA9 region of individuals with ASD and age-matched controls with no evidence of neurodevelopmental disorder. The P values, t-values, and effect sizes relate to the comparisons of protein levels for cases and controls, each divided by sex.